Maternal & Child Health
Healthy maternity leads to healthy progeny which will lead to a healthy nation
Maternal & Child Health Devices
Despite progress in the field, the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) current data of India reveals that there are 97 deaths per 100000 live births, it’s not a pleasant number, and its needs to be reduced to zero. We at MEDIC envision bringing it to nil.
The most common and direct causes of maternal mortality are excessive bleeding, infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion, and obstructed labour, as well as indirect causes such as anaemia, malaria, and heart disease. The majority of maternal deaths are preventable with timely management with proper medical technology.
The well-being of women during pregnancy and the postnatal period is the leading agenda globally.
From embryo formation to neonatal care each phase needs to be safe and filled with positive vibes, ensuring mothers and babies attain maximum well-being.
Eradication of preventable maternal death is at the top of the global agenda. To reduce maternal injury it is the need of the hour to expand the efforts.
Every pregnancy and birth is unique. It is fundamental to ensure all women have access to high-quality maternity care.
Areas of Action
Planning for Innovation projects for nurturing the strongest bond.
We plan to apply our expertise and ingenuity to make Maternity and neonatal health prosper.
Affordable and best quality maternity and neonatal health care device to be accessible to every village or talukas of our country.
Our fellows will design and develop aids and devices catering to needs from the first trimester to neonatal care.